Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Loser Talk

I hate loser talk.  I can’t stand nay-saying, no doing, lazy, sniping from the back bench, slugs.  I am sure that you all can think of examples of this pathetic behavior.  “That will never work.”  “Management won’t let us do this.” “No one will care.”  These are lines that are often uttered by the non-productive leeches of society.  If you have these people in your circle, there are a couple of good choices to make regarding them. 

Run away as fast as possible.  People of this description are nothing but cancers on productivity.  If you spend too much time around these life suckers, you will start to pick up their traits.  My wife, my son and I were in a restaurant just a couple of weeks ago.  There was a child within earshot of our table that was of a similar age as my boy (about a year and a half).  This little girl would occasionally let out a bit of a squeal, which my son uncharacteristically mimicked.  He was just picking up on her behavior.  We are no different.  You become part of what you are around.  It is hard to avoid, but it is true.  Get away from losers, and get around winners. 

The other possible way to handle these folks is risky, but can have big payoff.  Use these negative cretins as motivation.  Use them as the only thing they are good for, to step on and move to higher ground.  You don’t have to worry about pushing them aside unfairly, or cutting them off, because they have no meaningful aspirations anyway.  No harm, no foul.  This one is especially useful if you work closely with them and can’t get meaningful distance from them.   Absorb their loser talk, and say “oh yeah, I’ll show you!”  Aside from the conversion of oxygen to carbon dioxide, providing winners with motivation is their only purpose.

This is officially a rant against the nay-sayers of the world.  Put them into the same category as the obese dietician, the weak strength coach, the toothless dentist, the broke financial advisor, or teenager claiming wisdom.  They can give their opinion, but it is not worth hearing.

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