Friday, July 19, 2013

Just Pull the Trigger

I have suffered in the past.  When I was in college, I didn’t know what I was doing.  I didn’t know what to do the rest of my life.  I was paralyzed by fear.  I was fearful of making the wrong decision.  I was completing a BS in Exercise Physiology (glorified Health and PE degree).  I forwent the education minor and was staring down the barrel of selling Happy Meals for a living.  While it is a noble profession, it didn’t sound like a prosperous and fun life.  I asked around for advice from professors, relatives, and friends.  My dad gave me simple, but effective advice:  “you are too comfortable”.  It was hard to hear.  The truth was that I was too comfortable.  Even more than that, I was frozen by the fear of doing the wrong thing.  If I chose the wrong path, I would be locked in for the rest of my life to a miserable profession.  Although I was not happy with my situation, I was too comfortable / scared to do anything about it.  Indecision was my decision.  Not a good idea.  In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey said that the first habit of effective people is proactivity… pulling the trigger.  I decided to let ‘er rip, go for it, git ‘er done, and other silly but true clichés.  I applied for every job in town… well a bunch anyway.  I looked online (dial up) at my brother’s house.  I applied at every factory in town.  I had a strong back, so I tried to deliver sodas, beer, packages, etc.  I decided to happen to life, and not let it happen to me.  Very soon after this I landed a dream job; a once in a lifetime opportunity, and the rest is history.

What the heck does this cute little story have to do with weightlifting, training, nutrition or anything else in the fitness realm?  Quite a bit.  Stand back and watch me weave the web!  I have heard this question and have asked myself from time to time: how should I train? What should I eat? How many reps?  I have an answer.  First establish your goals and WRITE THEM DOWN for God’s sake!  Without goals, you are just the proverbial rat in the wheel.  You are running just for the sake of running.  After goal setting, research a bit or ask someone you trust in the field.  Then make a plan and pull the trigger.  Don’t look back and say, “Well I wish I had done more reps, or eaten fewer carbs, or not low bar back squatted.”  Go!!!  It is okay to occasionally look take a look and tinker, but put in some time before declaring it a failure.  Create the goals, study, make the plan, and then work.  Success is achieved through educated work.  So the next time you find yourself in training, or in another facet of life paralyzed by indecision, make a goal, study, make a plan, and pull the trigger.  Indecision is a decision.

And now for a gratuitous video of beautiful women lifting heavy weight!

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