Friday, July 12, 2013

Why Weightlifting is a Great Sport

1.    You get to sit down a lot

Consider other sports for a moment.  Although soccer isn’t one, even consider it.  You forgo all upper body strength and run around waiting for the ball to come your way for two hours.  Sounds sweaty.  In weightlifting, you chalk your hands, lift the bar, drop it, then sit down for several minutes, often times in an air conditioned gym.          

2.    Lifting heavy weights is so cool

3.    You get to eat a lot

While I was working out of town, I had to fend for myself one night for dinner.  I went to the grocery store and bought dinner.  I picked up a rotisserie chicken and a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream.  2200 calories later I felt satisfied and my wife was left speechless.  This past Independence Day weekend, our family took a long drive to be with family.  For breakfast I ate five venison burgers with some veggies, before we left my mother's house.  On the way back that afternoon we stopped at McDonalds and I had another five double cheeseburgers.  Full disclosure, I don't eat bread, so it was just the patties, but the meat is the important part anyway.  

4.    Not a team sport

Your success in weightlifting can be attributed peripherally to others like a coach, supportive spouse, or training partners.  But when you are called out to the platform, it is just you against the bar.  When things go your way, the feeling is fantastic.  

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