Friday, August 9, 2013

Stuff You Should Read/Watch

This article lays out the Musts of weightlifting technique.  It contrasts the musts regarding technique and  what is allowable to demonstrate your own style.  It is a rather long post and is just for those interested in the three lifts: snatch, clean, and jerk.

Every time you Ice a puppy dies.  It doesn't decrease inflammation and will actually set you up to have a less stable joint and more likely to become re-injured.  This is the claim of the video where Kelly Starrett interviews Dick Hartzell for a second time on the evils of icing injuries.  The claim is that the research is flimsy if not non-existant on the benefits of icing. 

America stinks in Weightlifting.   This is the ongoing theme of Louie Simmons of, the well marketed, Westside Barbell.  His (and others) recurring theme is that American lifters are just not strong enough to compete with the lifters overseas.  Try to follow the name dropping and hyperbolic claims of this renowned powerlifting coach and athlete.  Parenthetically, I didn't see any Westside Barbell athletes at the Weightlifting National Championships a couple of weeks ago.

The Strongest Man of All Time

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