Monday, June 29, 2015

Can't Ride Two Horses

I heard several years ago from a high food chain strength coach Mike Boyle, that "you cannot ride two horses at the same time."  When he said that, it really hit home with me.  The idea that you cannot ride the "weightlifting horse" and the "cardio horse" at the same time really resonated with me.  If you try to excel at both, one or both would suffer.  So with this good advice taken to heart, I went pretty much all in on the weightlifting horse.  I have done, with little exception, only weightlifting for the well over a year now with some decent results.  Squat numbers improved, snatch numbers up, and the clean and jerk numbers went up slightly.  But as a result, I have some nagging injuries that come along with doing  a limited number of training modalities.  Day after day of squatting, snatching, cleaning and jerking certainly leads to some repetitive "injuries" and certainly some holes in your game.  After watching the Crossfit Games Regionals, where they snatched up to a one rep max on tired shoulders and legs, I began to wonder if I could still reach my goals in weightlifting and still accomplish other physical goals at the same time.  Most guys at that level were more than capable of snatching over 100kg while still capable of performing other skills very well and having a fantastic aerobic base.

So with that being said, I am going to saddle up a couple of horses, one of which is still weightlifting.  Even if I maintain my current numbers and just feel a little better from being more well rounded, it will be worth it.

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