Friday, May 15, 2015

Life is Relentless, Be Consistent

I have been training for a meet coming up in June for about seven months now.  I wrote last post about the lack of sleep and other barriers that I had been dealing with, that affects training.  This is not to rehash my "troubles", because quite frankly, I have a great life.  I have a wonderful wife and two beautiful boys that luckily favor their mother.  My life is sweet.  However, my setbacks are worth looking at from a more macro view.  So far this seven months of training, I have had a handful of nights  without broken or inadequate sleep.  Sleep deprivation and young children go hand and glove.  Additionally, I have had some job related goals that have interfered with training and brought about some knee troubles.  I bombed out of my first meet, got food poisoning and lost ten pounds, and have dished out more antibiotics to my family in the past 5 months than I thought was possible.  Life is without a doubt, relentless.  My life is not difficult by any stretch of the imagination, but it continually provides me with opportunities to sit in a corner and suck my thumb and pout (which I have done on occasion).  I am now one month out from old man Pan American Weightlifting Championships and am not exactly where I had hoped I would be.  So do I go to the pouting corner, or do I keep pushing forward.  Obviously if I was just going to give up, I probably would not write about it because that would be a pretty crumby lesson.  The best advice I can give to anyone that has a goal and runs into roadblocks (and we all do) is to lace up the shoes, pull the belt tight and put more chalk on your hands. If you quit, you will never know how great you can be.  I want to see how great I can be... not now, but over decades.  As hard as it is to do, you have got to play the long game in life.  No matter how many bloody noses life deals you, keep showing up to fight every day and eventually you will see how great you can be.  Slam bars!!!

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