Friday, March 20, 2015

Old, No Sleep, Bad Technique

This is a description, albeit exaggerated, of my current training status.  While forty years old is young in the grand scheme of things, in weightlifting it is rather aged.  Especially if your training age in the sport is only about 3 or 4 years... without a coach.  I also have a three year old son at home with a five month old brother waking up a couple of times per night still.  Four or five hours of broken sleep + a 40 year old back + squatting three times per week, sometimes creates zombie status for me.  I knew intellectually how important sleep was to training, but now I have first hand knowledge of how a rigorous training plan is not compatible with sleep deprivation.  I recently tried out an online training program from California Strength, which really was beneficial.   Lots of squatting, position work, and a bunch of overhead work really brought about gains in strength, despite my domestic challenges.  There was quite a bit more volume than I was used to, but I tried the beginner's program in its entirety.  I came to realize a few things.  This would be easier if I was 20, had no responsibilities, and could sleep 10 hours a night... like your typical Occupy Wall Street participant, only without the Marxism.  After giving it a go for several weeks, I whittled back the volume by probably half and still made gains in my strength.  I could certainly continue pressing through the volume, but I have other obligations that are more important.  So take it from me, stay young, sleep all you can and but keep training.  Now some cool videos.

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