Monday, December 15, 2014

Things To Read / Watch

Competition is a wonderful thing.  It is one of the many reasons that capitalism is the greatest system of economics/society that exists.  For many years, USA Weightlifting has been the only weightlifting federation in the U.S.  A Quasi-excommunicated top level lifter, Jon North has now brought this to an end.  He and a few others have founded The American Weightlifting Federation.  If you have been to a USAW competition, you have to be a real fan not to have fallen asleep occasionally.  The AWF is bringing a DJ, your choice of music to lift to, and more of a "party" atmosphere.  Hopefully this will push USAW to improve the environment of its venues.

The American Open was this past weekend and there were some great lifts, even if a few lifters missed the Washington DC meet.  Jared Fleming made a great comeback in the 94kg class by winning gold in the snatch, c & J, total and won best male lifter at the competition.

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