Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Typical Training Session

I publish, in my training log on this blog, every training session.  I sometimes video PR attempts or my best lifts, like a lot of lifters do, and post them to the web.  I decided to video about 90 % of my session just for the heck of it.  The 10% I left out is the boring stuff: warm-up, mobility, lighter lifts, etc.  Few people would really be interested in seeing me or any other lifter sling the empty barbell around, a bunch of times, or watch me stretch.  The workout today was to go up to 90% in the snatch and the clean and jerk and attempt three sets of one rep with that weight.  The top snatch weight was 190 lbs (86 kg) and the top clean and jerk weight was 225 lbs (102 kg).  I finished off with a new movement for me.  The new lift was one and a quarter front squats.  Front squat the weight down to the bottom, rise to above parallel, then back down and bounce out as fast as possible.  I topped out at 265 lbs (120 kg).  This hour and a half session shows the good, the bad, and the beard.  It also features the power gut, which adds 10 kilos to both lifts.  Enjoy!

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