Saturday, June 29, 2013

Failure is Worth It

What is failure?  I know all of the clichés.  Failure is a good chance to change directions.  If you fail, try, try again.  Blah, blah, blah, I get it.  Let’s be honest about it, failing stinks!  No one likes to fail.  Everyone loves to succeed.  There is really no controversy.  Winning is better than losing.  But the more important question is, what does it take to win?  Bill Gates didn’t show up at an electronics store and say, "got any positions open for billionaires?"  He worked and worked, used his intellect, and took incredible chances.  He is like almost all successful people, he didn’t inherit his wealth, he earned it.  They leave the proverbial cave and drag home dinner.  They do this day after day after day.  Some days are good, some bad.  But the winners keep pushing, despite the small or even larger setbacks.  Winston Churchill said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”  Stumbles make the successes sweet.  Without the chance of failing, success means nothing.  Try difficult things.  If you persist, you will come out the other side a better person.  You will be more capable of perseverance. 

So what if I fail?  After stumbling, a little sulking is expected, but the longer you sulk, the further from your goals you are.  One of the most destructive attributes a human can have is a victim mentality.  Everyone is a victim, but not everyone lives like one.  Don’t live like one.  Go take weightlifting, golf, running, gardening, child rearing, your marriage, head on.

It took all of these and A LOT MORE for me to get better.  Enjoy watching me fail:

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