Sunday, May 29, 2016

I Heard CrossFitters Can't "Weightlift"

Even to this day I hear that CrossFitters can't do this, can't do that, etc.  Check out the links below which take you to the each of the three weeks of archives for the Regionals.  There are three headings for each of the pages that list the regions competing that week.  Additionally, there are numbered events for individuals and teams listed.  If you want to see an ascending ladder of relatively heavy snatches performed by "non weightlifters", take a watch.  Not too dang bad at all!!

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Long Time, No See... or Write

A bunch of stuff has happened with me personally, in the months since I last posted a blog.  Illness, injuries, work, life in general.  More importantly though, on the weightlifting front, Muscle Driver, a sponsor of weightlifting athletes, closed its doors.  It was the best weightlifting team in the country and offered the best money to athletes in the U.S., and it is no longer and the athletes are gone.  This is a big deal, because about four or five of the best lifters in the country are now training somewhere else.  Additionally, 3 or 4 of the best coaches in the U.S. are elsewhere (after some fireworks).  With all of that being said, they will recover and so will my ailing hip that has knocked me down for about 3 months.  This is the longest that I have been down, maybe in the last 20 years.  Right back on the horse though.  This week is really my first week back for months, and it feels great.  Now, cool lifting videos.